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#2 Redeemer Ann Arbor – Jim Mong

This week Aaron talks with Jim Mong. Jim is in the early stages of planting a church in Ann Arbor. He was raised a Baptist but was drawn to Presbyterianism and now subscribes to the Westminster confession. He talks a bit about how that process went as well as how he is able to minister alongside his Baptist father-in-law. Podcast: …

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Theology, if it is True is Lived.

We probably deserve the bad rap. At least segments of the Reformed church have contributed to the false correlation that Reformed theology/doctrine leads to stifled mission. In some contexts, the church has given itself only to the articulating of the truth within its doors and has neglected the flow of truth that leads to a love for the surrounding world. …

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Why Confessions Matter

Discovering what a church believes can be confusing, because while many churches may share the same general statement of faith what they practice differs wildly. Charismatics and cessationists, believers baptism and infant baptism, covenantal and dispensational, prosperity gospel and those vehemently opposed to a prosperity gospel; all using the same broad definitions while meaning very different things. The reason for …