We believe that theological education should be both accessible and affordable. Having worked with church planters and pastors from a variety of backgrounds, we recognize that not everyone can afford to go to seminary or uproot their family in order to pursue a formal education. We praise God for all of the helpful resources available for free online, such as lectures from iTunes U, or biblical training.org, but we also believe there is also a need for interactive training developed specifically for confessional church planters. 

Over the next year(s) we will be developing courses in specific areas which we believe are foundational for effective ministry. Examples of courses we will offer are:

  • Leadership
  • Missiology
  • Confessions (Why they matter)
  • Intro to Greek
  • Intro to Hebrew
  • Systematic Theology
  • Hermeneutics
  • Church History
  • more

These courses will include online lectures from live sessions, as well as required reading and writing assignments. The classes will also be highly interactive. Students will be connected with a professor and other students with whom they can interact and ask questions. There will also be more interactive projects designed to directly assist in ministry situations that the student is likely to encounter in church planting and pastoring. 

Our first classes will be available soon, so please check back here in the future. In the meantime, please feel free to email us and listen to the podcast, where we will provide updates on the Institute's development process.